How to save time as a modern HVAC company by making use of wireless temperature monitoring
As a refrigeration installer you know the value of saving time. Monitoring a cold store remotely offers benefits for both your customer and you.
Learn how companies such as Stevens Commercial, FKT, Klima Worx, TMS and Lameire save time with the easiest sensor module on the European market.
- Date: Wednesday 1 March 2023 - 9h00 (duration: 20 min.)
- Location: Online webinar (you will receive the link by email)
- Price: Free
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Benefits for the HVAC company
Food safety
Registering temperature automatically offers numerous advantages over a manual logbook on paper. No more missing measurement data.
Saving time
View your cooling installations from a distance and decide for yourself when an intervention is really necessary. An unnecessary move is quickly saved.
Peace of mind
Both customer and installer sleep better if the cooling is monitored. Receive a text message or voice call in the event of a power failure or high temperature.
Happy distributors
Happy customers
Remote sensing, finally made easy
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