Why you need a freezer power outage alarm in an industrial fridge or cold room

Why you need a freezer power outage alarm in an industrial fridge or cold room
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It isn't just annoying but can be right disastrous when you come back to your business after a few days and discover mayhem in your defrosted freezer. Expensive products like meats and fish are no longer fit for consumption, your restaurant is in for a rough ride. That is, when you don't have a freezerpower outage alarm.

Not being able to take action quickly enough causes food in cold rooms, fridges and freezers to spoil during a power outage. To avoid this, it is important to have a reliable and efficient way to detect power outages remotely. One of the ways to ensure this is by installing a fridge power failure alarm.

The risks of defrosted freezers and failing fridges

Two of our clients came to us after they suffered a significant financial loss in their business due to failing cooling installations. A restaurant told us they lost a freezer full of lobster because they were unaware that their freezer no longer worked properly. A factory told us they lost a cold room full of eggs, 40 m2 of racks stacked with eggs! In both cases, these businesses lost thousands of euros when these products expired.

fridge power failure alarm

Why your cold room needs a fridge power failure alarm

Big storage units for storing different kinds of fruits and vegetables are also in dire need of some extra monitoring. A powercut could kill a ventilation system, meaning that humidity levels could rise uncontrollably. At the same time cooling installations would fail and temperature could rise too much. In this case, you would come back to a warm, mouldy and rotting mess inside of your storage unit. That's not how you want to find your apples!

One of our clients uses a remote monitoring sensor module to track and register his onion storage unit. He measures both the temperature and humidity levels in his storage, which gives him the opportunity to adjust the indoor climate when needed. This helps him keep his onions in pristine condition.

The best thing about this sensor module is: its built-in power supply detector. Reporter, our remote monitoring sensor module was designed to provide real-time monitoring and it sends out alarm notifications to your phone or email. This means that you'll be notified about power outages and receive a freezer power outage alarm. Reporter can be easily set up and adjusted to suit your specific needs.

Why Reporter helps you keep your wares safe and fresh

In addition to its power supply detector, Reporter also has four connectors that allow you to connect other sensors, such as temperature and humidity. This means that you can also monitor the temperature inside the fridge, and receive notifications if it becomes too warm or cold. This can be useful for ensuring that the food in the fridge is kept at the correct temperature, even when grid power is still available, but the cooling installation has another kind of defect.

A key feature of Reporter is that it sends its data to a cloud platform called the Crodeon Dashboard. This platform allows you to access and analyse the data from the system remotely, and view detailed reports on powercuts, temperature changes and other important information. This can be useful for identifying patterns and trends, and for making more informed decisions about how to work through power outages in the future.

Reporter works through the GSM network with its own SIM card. This means that it is not dependent on WiFi and can even be used in remote locations to serve as your fridge power failure alarm.

freezer power outage alarm

Build your own monitoring system

Reporter is the ideal solution for detecting power outages quickly and efficiently. It was designed to be plug & play and can be installed by anyone without needing to have any knowledge about electricity or networks. As it's a versatile end-to-end solution, so there's no need for expensive custom-built modules. Reporter is intuitive and simple. Just what you need for your freezer power outage alarm.

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