How has Crodeon changed in 2023?

A Reporter on a dark background with the text '2023 wrapped' and fireworks
Smart overflow monitoring in Aquafin’s sewer network
A-Renting: cooling container rental with reliable temperature monitoring thanks to Reporter
Keep track of your factory's energy consumption, gas use, and water needs
A professional remote monitoring rain gauge with digital measurements
Monitoring tree health during dewatering on construction sites
Warehouse humidity measurements for paper storage and cardboard monitoring
CO2 monitoring in livestock: long overdue
Innovative monitoring of embankments along the A10 with Reporter
A weather station with water level sensor for a marina or harbour
Colruyt Group uses Reporter for soil moisture measurements at the organic farm Het Zilverleen
Salinity detection in groundwater: Monitoring salt levels during dewatering
Royal Latem Golf Club uses Reporter for water monitoring
Connecting a water flow sensor to the cloud
Sensor adapters, what are they and how do they work?
Rode Rozen & Tortilla's uses Reporter for reliable temperature monitoring
Artes Woudenberg uses Reporter for wind monitoring during restoration of Brussels Palace of Justice
Smart sensors for ports and terminals
Rain monitoring for dry bulk terminals and ports
Pluym - Van Loon uses Reporter for groundwater level monitoring at construction sites
Construction site monitoring - safety & efficiency
Effective industrial odour monitoring
Why temperature control is incomplete without remote monitoring
Taste Restaurantgroup uses Reporter for freezer monitoring
Cemminerals uses Reporter to measure the temperature of canal water
Rombaut Plant uses Reporter for frost monitoring in potted plants
Vandijk Technics uses Reporter for temperature registration in cold rooms
Combined relative air humidity and leaf wetness measurement
Innovative tree monitoring: Ecomatik dendrometer integrated with Reporter
De Bossen measures soil moisture for a bountiful pole bean harvest
TM Edison uses Reporter during the construction of energy island
What is the difference between direct vs indirect energy meters?
Weather monitoring: measuring wind at a festival site
Choose the right flow meter for your next water project
How to measure Dew Point and Wet Bulb temperature
Precision test for the Sensirion SHT35 humidity sensor
Installing a weather station on caravans, holiday homes or recreational vehicles
The effect of wind on measuring particulate matter
Connecting a Watermark sensor to the cloud
Watermark vs SMT100: volumetric water content or soil water tension?
Smart geotechnical data gathering and interpretation
6 tips for making the most of your cold room
Temperature registration for HACCP
Quickly tackle the 7 principles of HACCP
6 lists to quickly get started with HACCP
Monitoring soil moisture contents for crop farming
Green Wall Monitoring: Why your vertical garden needs smart garden sensors
How is Reporter powered?
Storm & scaffolding: leveraging weather stations for enhanced construction site safety
Level measurement in a container or well
The ease of Reporter: Sumaq's a fan!

2023 has been an interesting year full of new developments, products, webinars, events, partnerships and collaborations. We would love to give you a quick update on the highlights of last year!

An exciting start!

We started the year off with the excellent news that our funding round resulted in a whopping one million euros! That money was invested to further boost our research & development processes.

The funding round resulted in several publications, two of which were in Trends Magazine and De Tijd!


The Crodeon newsletter

Spring 2023 is when we first launched our newsletter. This monthly email updates you about the highlights of our month. The newsletter is available in both Dutch and English, you can subscribe and pick your language here: Subscribe to the Crodeon newsletter.

Did you know that our average open rate is 50% and our click-through rate is 4.4%? Which is quite the achievement in newsletterland!


In March and June we organised our first webinars of 2023 for HVAC companies, food companies and construction companies. This positive experience encouraged us to continue this practice. You can rewatch the HVAC webinar, food webinar and construction webinar if you'd like, all webinars are in Dutch.


Our new API

Thanks to our ever-engaged software team, the new API was released in the middle of summer 2023. An important difference between the new and old API is that the new API also allows you to import historical data into your own software. Read the blog below to discover more about what you can do with an API.

Uses of the Crodeon API
01/12/2023 - Jonathan Sercu

GRUNDFOS Digital Ecosystem Challenge 2023

Jonathan travelled to Denmark to participate in the GRUNDFOS Digital Ecosystem Challenge 2023. We ended in the fourth place (out of 95 participants)! Participating in the contest opened some new doors and allowed for future partnerships to form.


De Croo & Crodeon

The Belgian Prime Minister Alexander De Croo got the opportunity to meet our tech at the Werktuigendagen. We were proud to prove that our user-friendly remote monitoring module Reporter, truly can be installed by anyone.

New sensors

Autumn 2023 is when Reporter became compatible with Panasonic sensors! The inductive proximity sensor and leak detection sensor are now a part of our ever-growing collection.

We also changed our leaf wetness sensor, please welcome the PHYTOS 31!

Webinar with Olpas and Liquisens

The wonderful world of water and its many measurable parameters, it intrigues us! Which is why we partnered up with Olpas and Liquisens to help our clients better. We organised a Dutch webinar together that got some very positive feedback!

New kits

Nothing says ‘jump-start your remote monitoring project’ quite like a preassembled kit. Which is why we launched three new sensor kits in 2023. Discover the ease of Poultry Monitoring, Pig Monitoring, and Cold Room Monitoring using Reporter.

We also updated the professional weather station basic and pro.


Crodeon goes français!

Winter 2023 is when we started to shape the ‘French side’ of our website:! More pages and blogs are still being translated as we speak, are you ready to take a peek?

GPS location

Thanks to the hard work of our R&D team, the GPS tracker function was released in the nick of time to make it on this 2023 list! This brand new Reporter feature will be rolled out and become available in the following months. Curious? Read more in the blog below!

IoT sensor module with GPS tracker
02/01/2024 - Jonathan Sercu

Let's go 2024!

After some refreshing winter breaks the Crodeon team is ready to face the new year. There are still more than enough sensors to be made compatible with Reporter, features to be developed, new partnerships to be formed… and blogs to be written!

Will you be joining us on our journey this year? We're looking forward to it!

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