Temperature registration for HACCP

Temperature registration for HACCP
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What does HACCP mean?

HACCP stands for Hazard Analysis and Critical Control Points. It is a food safety system that has been developed to increase food safety throughout the food production chain.

Any company that is involved in the preparation, processing, handling and packaging, transport and distribution of food can use the HACCP rules to prevent food safety from being compromised. This set of rules originated from the Apollo moon missions at NASA, but is nowadays being used worldwide to identify food safety hazards and to keep track of how this is done.

Why you should register temperatures

HACCP is about identifying possible hazards and keeping them under control using CCP’s (critical control points). Some examples are visual inspection of incoming food and periodic cleaning of all surfaces in the kitchen.

Another rule is that you should monitor food temperatures at every step of the cold chain. This can be done in a manual or automated way.

temperature registration responsible

How to register food temperatures yourself

Manual temperature registration is done using classic pre-made HACCP checklists on paper. Visit this page for an overview of HACCP control lists for different sectors. This is very affordable but time consuming. If you’re not visiting your facilities on a daily basis, performing manual checks is not an option.

Automated temperature registration is recommended nowadays, especially when you don’t have time to inspect your cold storage frequently. Digital registration systems offer many advantages over registration on paper:

  • Continuous measurements: No more missing values when you’re away, sick or on holiday.
  • Temperature alarm: Most registration systems offer a feature that notifies you per sms or call when temperatures exceed certain thresholds.
  • Save time: Even if checking and writing down the temperatures is just 2 minutes of work daily, this adds up in the long run. Imagine the possibilities if you can spend this time on production or marketing instead.

Advantages of automated temperature registration

Saving time is important. Those 2 minutes per day become more than 12 hours per year. Besides, you should also count the wasted trips to and from your facilities “just to check if everything is alright”. In the end, automatic temperature registration saves you an incredible amount of time.

temperature registration

Another money saver is keeping your supplies safe. If the alarm feature of your registration system helps you notice a defective cooling, you can prevent a potential disaster.

We'll always remember the story of a restaurant that had to throw away several hundred kilograms of lobster after their freezer broke down. You don’t want this to happen to your food company.

Getting started in no time

At Crodeon we build Reporter, a wireless data logger with a real-time connection to the internet.

crodeon haccp

Simply connect the sensors to Reporter and start registering temperatures for HACCP right away. The device is 100% plug & play so you can complete the installation all by yourself.

This is an all-in-one solution including hardware, wireless connectivity and cloud. Alarm notifications are sent using email, sms or phone calls.

Stop wasting time and get started with automated temperature registration today.

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