Save money on office heating with smart technology

Energy bills are becoming more and more expensive, especially small businesses tend to struggle with the rising costs of heating. Smart office heating is therefore a good way to save on unnecessary heating in areas that aren’t being used. Don’t waste your time installing new ways of providing warmth, when smart monitoring of your current system provides you the analysis that can help you save all the money you need.
Cut down on unnecessary costs
Saving money on office heating does not equal being cold, however the most efficient way to reduce the energy bill is to use your current heating system in the most efficient way. Don’t heat storage units that aren’t being used or only keep them frost free if needed. Only warm your employees' offices that are actually being used and don’t open windows when fresh air is aplenty.
How to know what part of the office is used at what times?
In order to accurately heat only the specific parts of the office that are in use you will need to monitor the office. This is where our smart technology can help you save money on office heating. Crodeon’s plug and play system a.k.a. Reporter allows you to make an extensive analysis of your office, covering only the parameters you need.
A limit switch allows you to monitor a door being either opened or closed. This way you can closely follow up when an area is being accessed and actively used.
A CO2 sensor notes changes in CO2 amounts in the air, 400 ppm being fresh air. An increase in the CO2 ppm shows that someone is breathing and thus present in a room. Besides, the CO2 sensor also picks up changes in temperature from the office heating system.

Ventilation at appropriate times
To keep your employees healthy and productive their office should be nice and warm during winter. However CO2 levels in the air need to be monitored. Fresh air is essential for alertness. But you wouldn’t want to open the window while fresh air is readily available and the office heating is working hard to keep your employees warm.
The CO2 sensor will cause the system to send out an alarm notification through e-mail or text message to warn you when extra ventilation is needed, for example at 1000 ppm. In the app you can actively follow the decreasing levels of CO2 in the following minutes, giving you the chance to close the window again when fresh air has been replenished.
This sensor also gives you the opportunity to measure temperature in the office, making sure you will be warned when the workspace is becoming too cold to comfortably be worked in when an employee is present. After receiving the alarm notification you can turn on the office heating again. Either in person or online through the Crodeon app after installing the relay output module.

Keeping track of energy consumption
Depending on your office heating system you might want to keep track of the kWh your heating unit uses. This kWh meter will have to be installed in between the powersource and the unit, precisely counting the amount of electricity being used at what times. In the Crodeon app you will be able to track this data in clear graphs. The kWh meter gives you the opportunity to know when it was used and how much it was used. Comparing this data to the CO2 sensor data tells you whether its heating was needed because someone was present in the room.
Smart office heating cuts costs, not comfort
There’s no need to rack up a huge energy bill this winter. You and your employees can be comfortable while still saving money on office heating. Reporter can monitor the areas of the office that are actually being used and give you a thorough analysis of the CO2 measurements and kWh use of your heating unit. All in one single device, making Reporter such a unique and diverse measuring tool on the market.
Reporter allows you to follow your data in the cloud (in real time) through the app in the browser. Besides you will receive alarms when you need to turn on the office heating or open up a window.
Reporter: the measuring kit you need
Do you want to apply smart office heating to your workspace by monitoring occupation and applied heating? Reporter will give you data and insight, helping to make smarter choices and helping you save money in the future. Visit our webshop or contact us at and we’ll help you get started.